Friday 17 March 2023

Expert Vastu Advice to Make Your Home More Auspicious

Are you looking for ways to make your home more auspicious? If so, then you should consider following Expert Vastu Advice. Vastu is an ancient Indian Science that helps us to understand the interplay between the five elements – earth, water, air, fire, and space.

When these elements are in harmony, it creates a sense of balance and peace in our lives. However, when they are out of balance, it can lead to problems in our health, relationships, and finances.

That’s why it’s important to follow Expert Vastu Advice when it comes to making changes to your home. By doing so, you can ensure that your home is a positive and auspicious place that brings you peace, happiness, and success. If you're looking to make your home more auspicious, here are some expert Vastu tips to follow!

Entrance: The entrance to your home should be well-lit, clean, and clutter-free. Avoid placing any obstacles or hindrances in the entrance area. Ideally, the main entrance should face east, north, or northeast.

Kitchen: The kitchen is considered the heart of the home and should be located in the southeast corner of the house. The stove should be placed in the southeast direction, and the cook should face east while cooking. Keep the kitchen clean, well-ventilated, and free of clutter.

Kitchen Interior According To Vastu

Bedrooms: The master bedroom should be in the southwest direction of the house. Avoid placing the bed under a beam, as it can cause health problems. The head of the bed should be placed in the south or west direction. Avoid having a mirror in the bedroom, and ensure that the bedroom is well-ventilated and receives adequate natural light.

Bedroom Interiors

Living Room: The living room should be in the northeast or northwest direction of the house. Avoid placing a television in the northeast direction. The seating arrangement should be such that it promotes interaction and communication.

Living Room Interiors

Colors: Choose colors that promote positivity and harmony. Lighter shades of blue, green, and yellow are considered auspicious in Vastu.

Colors According To Vastu

Plants: Indoor plants are believed to bring positive energy to the home. However, avoid keeping thorny plants, bonsai trees, or cactus plants in the house.

Plants According To Vastu

Clutter: Clutter is believed to block the flow of positive energy. Keep your home clean and clutter-free to promote positive energy.

Mirrors: Mirrors are believed to reflect energy, and placing them in the wrong direction can cause negative effects. Avoid placing mirrors in the bedroom, as well as in a way that reflects the main entrance.

Remember that Vastu is a complex and nuanced system, and the recommendations above are only general guidelines. There are many things that you can do to make your home more auspicious according to the principles of Vastu. Some of the expert advice that we offer at our company includes placing your furniture in the right orientation, choosing the right colors for your walls, and making sure that your home is well-lit. For more expert Vastu tips, contact us or visit our website.

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